Sunny Corporation Private Limited is a technology startup with diverse business
interests ranging from lifesciences and smart devices to cloud applications.
Technology benefits the individual and makes our community a better place to live. Hence, finding solutions to the common problems of everyday life
and innovating new products and solutions is our mantra.
We are a young team of free-spirited, motivated, unconventional, and competitive people, with an uncanny knack of viewing the
problems from a completely different perspective and finding their solutions. We believe that, every product resulting from the
ideas formed on our lab's whiteboards and worktables must bring smiles in the lives of people using them.
Adding value to life through our innovative solutions, technology, and services, thereby making life simple.
- Constantly innovate new products based on contemporary global and regional research and technological advancements.
- Increase the assets and investment of the company, and hence of the community we serve, to support the development of new technologies.
- To build credible reputation for our products and services and become a key industrial player in our field.